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Index to Minorities and Criminal Justice - An Index to Periodicals and Books Relating to Minorities and Criminal Justice in the United States

NCJ Number
S Christianson
Date Published
281 pages
A subject and author index to multidisciplinary literature on minorities and criminal justice in the United States, this volume cites more than 3,100 documents dated from 1723 to 1981. Citations in the author index contain abstracts.
Entries refer to articles in more than 450 periodicals, as well as books, government reports, monographs, unpublished dissertations, scholarly papers, and selected court cases. The fields covered include criminal justice, criminology, sociology, psychology, law, history, medicine, philosophy, political science, social work, ethnic studies, and journalism, among others. The subject index contains over 900 key words (racial and ethnic groups, geographic locations, noted individuals, institutions or agencies, and specific topics) followed by a chronologically arranged bibliography for each subject heading. The index of 6,500 authors, editors, and compilers has an alphabetical arrangement. The volume also contains a brief index to judicial cases involving American minorities, grouped by subject headings and listed chronologically. Information on the Center on Minorities and Criminal Justice at the State University of New York and their fellowship program is appended.


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