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Increasing Productivity by Taping Reports

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 57 Issue: 3 Dated: (March 1990) Pages: 49-50
P T Kelly
Date Published
2 pages
The police department in Fort Collins, Colo. has increased its productivity using a report-taping program.
The program was initiated in the early 1970's, when time analysis showed that police officers were using about 2 hours of each 8-hour shift writing reports. The initial taping program was a failure, because it merely shifted the workload from the patrol officers to records personnel. The loop recorder that was used was also unreliable, and only one typist could transcribe recordings at a time. As a result of these problems, the department discarded the loop recorder and purchased inexpensive cassette recorders for each patrol unit and transcription machines for the records section. It also hired two clerk typists. The system is simple and cost-effective and is recommended for other police agencies.