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Incest: A Treatment Manual for Therapy With Victims, Spouses, and Offenders: Second Edition

NCJ Number
A Mayer
Date Published
316 pages
This manual provides the mental health practitioner who treats members of the incestuous triad with treatment models and techniques to be used in individual, family, or group therapy.
The introductory section reviews the problem of incest in the U.S., citing statistical data and a review of the literature and didactic material on the dynamics of the family. Some legal implications of incest are discussed. The second section considers the incestuous triad -- the victim, offender, and offender's spouse -- and covers family dynamics, personalities, and legal implications. The third section presents general therapeutic models, methods, and approaches related to the treatment of incest. Separate chapters offer guidance on treating the individual members of the triad, the family as a unit, and the group. Some of the techniques discussed include catharsis, strategic therapy for silent partners, evaluation of offender motives and potential for change, and breaking down denial and affective reactions. The innovative and practical treatment techniques discussed in the final section include art therapy, writing techniques, sentence blanks and rating scales, and desensitization. 2 appendixes


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