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Incarceration in Virginia ... There Are Alternatives

NCJ Number
Date Published
32 pages
This article introduces the issue of overcrowding in Virginia's jails and examines postsentencing and pretrial alternatives to incarceration, as well as funding and administrative mechanisms for alternative programs.
Virginia's jails are running at well over their capacities, with no end in sight. Intergovernmental cooperation is needed for progress to be made in developing alternative sanctions. Restitution, community service, suspended sentences, and drug treatment programs are some of the postsentencing alternatives available. Likewise, the jail population could be substantially reduced if such pretrial alternatives as summonses, stationhouse release, percentage bail, and third party custody were offered. Pretrial diversion is controversial but should also be considered. Legislation is needed that provides statutory authorization for alternative sanctions and mechanisms, as well as public education campaigns to increase awareness of alternatives available. The programs could be funded and administered through the courts, communities, or jails. Contracting for services may be essential to any effort. An appendix includes summary descriptions of alternative programs in nine Virginia communities.