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Improving Police Performance Measurement - One More Voice

NCJ Number
Urban Interest Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1982) Pages: 8-16
M A Wycoff
Date Published
9 pages
This article reviews the limitations of police performance measures derived from existing data. It argues the need to develop measures of actual processes and behaviors to measure performance as distinct from measuring reaction to these performances.
It emphasizes the need to fill the 'black box' between 'inputs' and 'outcomes' that are assumed to be related by means of behavior linkages which currently are unexamined. In addition, the author argues for a consortium of police researchers and practitioners to create behavior indicators which could be used similarly across agencies. The reports of behavior would provide the essential basis for determining the costs and consequences of police services. A total of 22 references are included. (Author summary modified)