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Improving Methods of Measuring the Incidence and Prevalence of Drug Abuse at the State and Local Level: Research Grant Application

NCJ Number
R H Milkman
Date Published
31 pages
This grant application describes a proposed 2-year study of methods used by State and local governments to measure the incidence and prevalence of drug abuse in their jurisdictions, as well as how such information is used in planning and policy development for law enforcement and drug treatment agencies.
The proposed research is intended to identify and document exemplary approaches, develop an information base about the effectiveness and appropriateness of current State and local assessment efforts, and provide the basis for preparation of a manual to aid States and localities in improving their methods. Part of the process of preparing the application involved a survey of nine jurisdictions to determine their current approaches to estimating drug abuse, the resources used for this activity, their satisfaction with the methods used, and their desire for technical assistance. Results revealed the use of a wide range of approaches, depending on the resources available and the judgment of State and local officials. Resource levels also vary tremendously. The proposed research will include a mail/telephone survey in 100 locations, including all States, 25 counties and 25 cities. The study will also include detailed case studies of six jurisdictions with particularly effective approaches. Findings will be used to develop a manual to help State and local officials improve their assessment methods and to produce a final report. Figures and footnotes