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Improvements on sensor noise based source camera identification

NCJ Number
Y. Sutcu; Sevinc Bayram; H. T. Sencar ; Nasir D. Memon
Date Published
5 pages

A novel method for identifying the source camera of a digital image is proposed.


The method is based on first extracting imaging sensor's pattern noise from many images and later verifying its presence in a given image through a correlative procedure. In this paper, the authors investigate the performance of this method in a more realistic setting and provide results concerning its detection performance. To improve the applicability of the method as a forensic tool, the authors propose an enhancement over it by also verifying that class properties of the image in question are in agreement with those of the camera. For this purpose, the authors identify and compare characteristics due to demosaicing operation. The results show that the enhanced method offers a significant improvement in the performance. (Published abstract provided)
