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Importance of the Appropriate Management of Risk and Reintegration Potential (From UNAFEI Research Material Series No. 54, P 261-270, 1999 -- See NCJ-190077)

NCJ Number
Don A. Andrews
Date Published
September 1999
10 pages
This paper examined how current research, theory, and opinion within the human and social sciences might assist in decision making and practice relative to risk management and risk reduction.
The paper discussed how authorities interested in community corrections and conditional release might attempt to understand: intake risk/need assessment; an individual's criminality; correctional plans and in-prison events; quality of release plans; quality of progress reports; and an offender's behavior on conditional release. The paper examined the general personality and social psychological perspective on criminal conduct. It also assessed correctional and release plans and the continued relevance of the plans for a particular individual; progress summaries; and specific postrelease interventions. The paper lists the critical components of supervision for purposes of risk reduction: (1) quality of the relationship and communication between offenders and social/corrections workers; (2) workers' modeling and reinforcement of anti-criminal alternatives to antisocial styles of thinking, feeling, and acting; and (3) problem-solving efforts with offenders. References, appendixes


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