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Implementing JOBSTART: A Demonstration for School Dropouts in the JTPA (Job Training Partnership Act) System

NCJ Number
P Auspos; G Cave; F Doolittle; G Hoerz
Date Published
221 pages
This report, the second of three, addresses JOBSTART program operation: the process by which the sites recruited eligible youths, the nature of the services provided, and the extent to which the youth participated in these services.
The JOBSTART Demonstration tests a program of basic education, occupational skills training, support services, and job placement assistance for young, economically disadvantaged school dropouts who read below the eighth-grade level. The demonstration program provides an opportunity to learn how this intensive combination of services was implemented at 13 diverse sites, operating primarily with funds provided under the Job Training Partnership Act. The demonstration also includes a study of the JOBSTART program's costs and its impact on participants' educational attainment, earnings, welfare receipt, and other key outcomes. This report also provides an early indication of the program's impact on educational attainment, employment, and earnings during a 12-month followup period. A concluding chapter identifies lessons for implementing programs like JOBSTART within the Job Training Partnership Act system. 56 references, chapter tables