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Implementing the Children's Agenda: Critical Elements of System-Wide Reform -- A Statement of the National Coalition for an Urban Children's Agenda

NCJ Number
J Earle; D Kysilko
Date Published
25 pages
The National Coalition for an Urban Children's Agenda is interested in promoting aggressive actions that result in desirable outcomes for children and in helping communities define outcomes for children and families.
The Coalition contends that educational and social service systems in cities are failing to serve children effectively due to the nature and size of problems they face. These problems include increased poverty, changing family structures, increased health problems, fiscal crises, and a high rate of school dropouts. Urban leaders, therefore, must develop strategies that take into account dysfunctional and low-income families, deteriorating schools, racial polarization, limited employment opportunities, crime and violence, inadequate housing, and insufficient access to health and social services. Recognizing that children, youth, and families need comprehensive services, the Coalition suggests seven critical elements of a children's agenda: defined goals, defined measurable outcomes, appropriate assessments, incentives and consequences, professional growth and development, resources, and governance. A policymaker's checklist is included to facilitate a policy development process aimed at improving outcomes for at-risk children and families. An appendix notes several major national initiatives geared toward children. 10 references