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Implementation Report on the 1984 Federal/Provincial/Territorial Report on Wife Battering: Prince Edward Island Section

NCJ Number
Date Published
36 pages
This report describes the initiatives taken by governmental agencies in Prince Edward Island, Canada in response to 16 recommendations made in 1984 by Canadian ministers at all levels of government that focus on ways of addressing the problem of wife beating.
Actions taken include preparing a policy on the provision of transportation to emergency shelter, funding of a feasibility study for a community-based family violence intervention program for the West Prince region of the province, preparing for a feasibility study of requirements for a stable funding base, and developing inservice training for professional staff in the Department of Health and Social Services. Further actions included preparing a hospital protocol for the battered victim, working to develop support services to victims during the criminal justice process, and reviewing family living curriculum materials for high schools. For descriptions of actions taken in each other province and territory, see NCJ 114275-82 and NCJ 114284-85.

Corporate Author
Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women

151 Sparks Street, Box 1541, Station B, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5R5 Canada, Canada

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Technical)
Prepared for the meeting of Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women, British Columbia, June 5-6, 1986.