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Implementation and Test Plan - Redondo Beach (CA) Police Information Management System

NCJ Number
Date Published
27 pages
This plan specifies the requirements and related responsibility for the actions, personnel, and equipment necessary to implement and test the Redondo Beach Police Information Management System by January 1969.
The requirements are viewed as the initial guidelines by which the city and the contractor may achieve a successful project conclusion. The monthly sequence of actions is as follows. June: design submission, operational simulation, city and consultant reviews of the design, a test data run, appointment of a liaison officer, ordering of test forms, a review meeting, and prepatation of a detailed training plan. July: go ahead, collection of current system data, ordering of miscellaneous equipment, selection of an information analyst, preparation of training aids, timeclock installation, moving of keypunch machine, modification of electric accounting machine, and the training of watch commanders. August: training of dispatchers; preparation of keypunch instructions; wiring of accounting machine plug boards; training of records personnel, patrol officers, and data processing personnel; and an operational test-day watch. September: training of investigative personnel. October: preparation and review of September test reports, modification of system design, evaluation of day watch system test results, establishment of complete training schedule, preparation of final training aids and desk instructions, and the ordering of final forms. November: training of all personnel. December: refining of evaluation plan. January: the system is operational for all watches. Reports and evaluations of the system and the preparation of the Transfer Handbook are planned to run through May 1969. Each action is described, and the party responsible is identified. Summaries of the personnel requirements for the liaison officer, information analyst, and records clerk are provided, as well as a summary of equipment and supply requirements. A chart illustrates the sequence and relationship of all actions.