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Implementation and Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act Grants Awarded to the New Mexico Department of Public Safety, Santa Fe, New Mexico

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 2015
30 pages
This is the audit report by the U.S. Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General (OIG)) on grants awarded to the New Mexico Department of Public Safety (NMDPS) by the Office of Justice Programs under the Support for Adam Walsh Act Implementation and Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) Reallocation programs.

The audit's objective was to determine whether costs claimed under the grants were allowable, supported, and in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, guidelines, and terms and conditions. Overall, the audit found that the NMDPS did not comply with essential award conditions related to grant expenditures, Federal financial reports, and program performance. Specifically, NMDPS charged unallowable overtime to the grants, submitted inaccurate financial and progress reports, delayed program implementation, and did not meet all special conditions. The audit makes five recommendations to the Office of Justice Programs. First, coordinate with NMDPS to remedy the $5,636 in unallowable overtime wages and fringe benefits for two of the grants. Second, coordinate with NMDPS to ensure that the financial information reported is accurate. Third, coordinate with NMDPS to develop and implement procedures that ensure progress reports are accurate and supported. Fourth, assess NMDPS' ability to complete program goals for the specified grant prior to the end of the award. Fifth, coordinate with NMDPS to develop policies and procedures to ensure that Federal funds are not obligated or expended prior to the OCFO approved budget date. The objectives, scope, and methodology of the audit are described in detail. Appended schedule of dollar-related findings, NMDPS' response to the draft audit report, and Office of Justice Programs' response to the draft audit report