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Implementation Activities - An Effort Evaluation of the Implementation of the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice

NCJ Number
Date Published
145 pages
This report assesses the efforts involved in drafting and implementing New Jersey's Code of Criminal Justice, with emphasis on the legislative process, the activities of the Governor's Committee on the Implementation of the Code, and the planning and training activities of State and local agencies.
The code was developed over a period of at least 14 years. Members of all three branches of State government as well as members of the bar, the law enforcement community, and the public were involved in this development. The effort entailed a complete codification of the criminal statutes, reorganizing and modernizing them into a comprehensive system. The New Jersey Governor appointed a commission to review the New Jersey statutes in 1968, and the commission issued its final report in October 1971. The legislature began studying this report in committee, and various bills encompassing the proposed code were introduced between 1975 and 1978. It was also recognized that such a comprehensive revision of the law would require a massive implementation effort unparalleled in the State's history. The code was enacted on August 10, 1978, with an effective date of September 1, 1979. The delay in the effective date was provided to permit all the disciplines involved to plan and prepare for implementation. Preliminary implementation planning included the planning of training programs and materials for the State's police, court, and correctional personnel. A detailed chronology covers the preliminary planning stage, the planning development, implementation and training activities, and other activities. Summaries of each county's training activities are also included. Supplementary materials include tables and other information.


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