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Impact of the RIPP Violence Prevention Program on Rural Middle School Students

NCJ Number
Journal of Primary Prevention Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Dated: 2003b Pages: 143-67
Albert D. Farrell; Robert F. Valois; Aleta L. Meyer; Ritchie P. Tidwell
Date Published
25 pages

This paper evaluates the outcomes of the implementation of a violence prevention program in rural schools serving a ethnically diverse populations, originally developed for urban middle schools.


The effectiveness of Responding In Peaceful and Positive Ways (RIPP), a violence prevention program originally developed for urban middle schools serving predominantly African American student populations, was evaluated in rural schools serving ethnically diverse student populations. The authors used a between-school design to compare outcomes over two years for a cohort of students at four intervention schools where the RIPP program was implemented, and four no-intervention control schools. Although results were not consistent across all measures and time points, the authors found several significant intervention effects on self-report measures of aggression, victimization, life satisfaction and mediating variables including knowledge and attitudes. Publisher Abstract Provided