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Impact of Repressive Factors on Abuse of Credit and Debit Cards in Slovenia

NCJ Number
Revija za Kriminalistiko in Kriminologijo Volume: 16 Issue: 61 Dated: 2010 Pages: 28-36
Miro Gradisar; Igor Lamberger
Date Published
9 pages
This paper deals with the impact of repressive agencies, legislation, and sentencing on the extent of abuse of payment transactions with credit and debit cards.
Payment transactions are one of the important activities of banks, but they are also conducted by other financial institutions. Although electronic payment transactions are in swift ascent because of their lower costs, speed, and practicability, they are often a target of attacks, due to difficult and sometimes insufficient protection of electronic payment systems. It is the duty of the state to regulate and to ensure the observance of legal order and respect for social norms, through its penal legislation and repressive agencies. The impact of state measures on electronic payment transactions and on the number of abuses is therefore an important issue in suppression of crime and in the formulation of State policies. In order to establish the impact of these factors, a research study was conducted, in which it was confirmed by the use of case study analysis, the completion of a survey and the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, that repressive factors exert an impact on the abuse of credit and debit cards.(Published Abstract)