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Impact of Domestic Violence and Emotional Abuse on Children: The Intersection of Research, Theory, and Clinical Intervention

NCJ Number
Journal of Emotional Abuse Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Dated: 1998 Pages: 1-21
S A Graham-Bermann; H M Hughes
Date Published
21 pages
This article explores the processes through which exposure to domestic violence affects children's adjustment and development, and then applies them to clinical interventions.
The article uses a number of theoretical premises and explanations to explain the ways children can be adversely affected by family violence, including social learning, social cognition, family systems, interpersonal relationships, and trauma theories. Implications of theory for clinical intervention include: (1) tailoring the treatment to the problem; (2) evaluating the programs which are offered; (3) delineating the context of treatment; (4) including the mother in intervention for the child; and (5) using professional services. Evaluation of intervention programs would do well to include specifically stated, theoretically driven goals of the program, as well as multiple assessments of key constructs by multiple observers or evaluators, and comparative evaluation of similar children who are not in treatment should be considered essential. References


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