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Images of Crime: Representations of Crime and the Criminal in Science, the Arts and the Media

NCJ Number
Hans-Jorg Albrecht, Afroditi Koukoutsaki, Telemach Serassis
Date Published
319 pages
This book examines the treatment of crime and the criminal in science, the arts, and the media.
This collection reflects to a large extent the need for an interdisciplinary as well as transnational approach in criminology. Some of the articles in this volume study representations of crime and the criminal in criminology itself, in literature or the media, while others investigate more unexpected sources of information, such as comics, detective stories or photography. They all tend to show how images of crime and the criminal produce stereotypes, preconceptions, or even policies. The book emphasizes the importance of international cooperation, and international networks to strengthen the exchange of ideas and information. The articles in this volume derive from such diverse disciplines as criminology, psychoanalysis, philosophy of history, law, and architecture. They examine a number of topics, including: the criminality of Albanian immigrants in Athens' press; the deviance of the foreign immigrant in the mass media; crime and punishment in detective stories; crime, trial, and punishment in Albert Camus' "The Outsider"; and societal representations of the prison and comics. Notes, references, tables, figures


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