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Illinois Department of Corrections - Human Services Data Report, Part 1 - 1981-1983, Volume 3

NCJ Number
Date Published
216 pages
The data report presents the status of agency programs and services in Illinois adult correctional institutions and centers, community supervision, and juvenile institutions and services. Data are included for 1981 and 1982 and anticipated for 1983.
The fiscal year 1983 plan emphasizes problem identification and needs assessment feedback from all sections of the department. The department has initiated actions to improve its population management capability. It has continued to expand adult prison capacity through renovating existing State facilities and through new construction projects. New juvenile and adult classification systems for institution and community supervision have been developed. Automated information systems for offender classification, movement, and profiling have been improved. Expanded internal audit procedures have improved operational accountability. Operational and professional standards have been improved, as well as mental health and medical services. The report includes about 100 tables and 75 figures. Criminal justice and financial information are appended.