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Illinois Department of Corrections: Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1997

NCJ Number
Date Published
176 pages
This report highlights the facilities, staff, and accomplishments of the Illinois Department of Corrections (DOC) during fiscal year 1997.
The report describes activities in the following elements and categories: (1) Employee and Volunteer Awards; (2) Director's Office; (3) Chief Deputy Director; (4) Finance and Administration Division; (5) Administrative Services Division; (6) Support Services Division; (7) Fiscal Year 97 Accomplishments; (8) Adult Division; (9) Community Services Division; (10) Juvenile Division; (11) Execution Summary; (12) Charts and Statistical Information; (13) Budget Information; and (14) Agency Directory. Highlights of 1997 activities included drug raids at several prisons; increased random drug testing of inmates; opening of the State's first juvenile boot camp; addition of four canine units to the DOC; implementation of new technology, including a DOC website; conversion of all cells to segregation space at Pontiac Correctional Center (CC); movement of Menard Psychiatric Services Unit to Dixon CC; establishment of Taylorville CC as the nation's first gang-free prison; holding of site-selection hearings for new adult and juvenile facilities; and creation of DOC victim services unit. Figures, tables