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Illinois County Shelter Care Standards

NCJ Number
Date Published
59 pages
This manual contains minimum standards and procedures for the operation of county youth shelter care facilities established and administered by any county in Illinois.
The standards are outlined in the areas of admissions policy, administration, personnel, records, admission procedures (i.e., parental notification, medical screening, rules and regulations, orientation), release procedures, separation of youth, and housing. Standards are also given for medical and health care (sick calls, first aid training and supplies); clothing, personal hygiene, and grooming; food service (menus, food apportioning, staff meals); sanitation supervision (shift coverage, log record, night hours); and safety (fire protection, emergency lighting, maintenance). Other standards address shelter discipline (written rules, reporting of violations, group discipline, corporal punishment), employment of children, mail procedures, telephone communication and rules, visiting regulations, social service programs (use of volunteers), and education (library services, education of the physically/mentally handicapped). Minimum standards are also outlined for religious services (children are permitted to worship in their community church), recreation and leisure time (vigorous physical activities should be part of the daily schedule), and new design and construction requirements. Sample forms are appended.