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NCJ Number
Date Published
67 pages
This report presents the Drug Enforcement Administration's perspective on drug trafficking in Colombia.
The first chapter discusses the geographic factors that make Colombia a fruitful country for drug cultivation, production, and trafficking. Three subsequent chapters examine the cultivation and trafficking of three drugs in Colombia: cocaine, opiates, and cannabis. Related topics considered in another chapter are drug prices, money laundering, chemical diversion, and Colombian ports and maritime smuggling. A chapter discusses special issues such as drug-related violence, insurgent participation in drug trafficking, right-wing paramilitary involvement in drug trafficking, drug-related corruption, and domestic drug abuse. The remaining two chapters address the work of government counterdrug organizations and the 5-year outlook. The report concludes that despite courageous and successful endeavors by Colombia's government, drug trafficking organizations have had only limited setbacks. Sustained efforts by Colombian authorities and the international law enforcement community are essential to a significant disruption of illicit drug trafficking. Appended conversion factors and Colombian drug enforcement statutes for 1990-92