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Illegitimacy, Child Abuse and Neglect, and Cognitive Development

NCJ Number
Journal of Genetic Psychology Volume: 151 Issue: 3 Dated: (1990) Pages: 279-285
A Walsh
Date Published
7 pages
The relationship between illegitimate birth and cognitive development was studied in a sample of 513 boys on probation; the subjects were legitimate and illegitimate and from one- and two-parent homes. The study was predicated on the hypothesis that boys who lack a large supportive network and who suffer abuse and neglect would display a more significant verbal IQ and performance IQ discrepancy than boys experiencing lower levels of love deprivation.
Earlier research had demonstrated the relationship between single-parent households and diminished verbal capacities in children. These children are also at greater risk of abuse and neglect which can lead to the enhancement of visual and spatial skills relative to verbal ability. Illegitimate boys from one-parent homes had the lowest verbal and highest performance IQ scores and also suffered the highest degree of abuse and neglect of the four birth status/family structure combinations studied. 19 references (Author abstract modified)


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