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If I'd Only Known...Sexual Abuse In or Out of the Family: A Guide to Prevention

NCJ Number
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer
Date Published
198 pages
This book is a practical guide to keeping children safe from sexual abuse.
This book offers an easy to read, hands-on guide to understanding and preventing childhood sexual abuse. In chapter 1, the author begins, with a cautionary tale of how child sexual abuse can happen anywhere and be perpetrated by those under least suspicion. Chapter 2 provides an overview of what sexual abuse and incest entails, including common myths and misconceptions. Chapter 3 defines sexual abuse and incest and also outlines the effects this abuse has on victims. In chapter 4 the author expounds upon why it is important to teach children to protect themselves. In chapter 5 the author turns to a discussion of why spanking children is not a good idea and then explains how to keep children safe from abuse by using the “no secrets rule.” Chapter 6 lists many of the signs of sexual abuse in children, separating them according to what is most likely to occur in different age groups. Chapters 7 through 9 offer parents advice about how to choose pediatricians and child care facilities, as well as how to teach your children survival tips for dealing with other adults in their lives, such as coaches and teachers. Chapter 10 offers advice on what to do if you suspect your child has been a victim of abuse and chapter 11 outlines a sexual abuse or incest prevention checklist for parents. The author concludes the book with a list of organizations one may contact for help and advice.