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ICM (Institute for Court Management) and Court Administration The First Decade

NCJ Number
Justice System Journal Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Dated: (Summer 1981) Pages: 176-199
C Baar
Date Published
24 pages
This article analyzes the first ten years of the Institute for Court Management's Court Executive Development Program.
Although a rigorous assessment of ICM graduates' impact on the quality of the courts' administration is not possible, it can be argued that the Institute has helped foster among court personnel the sense of participating in the common enterprise of the administration of justice. Data on the CEDP curriculum and student body reveal changes in both. For example, as the participants tended increasingly to be those working in the courts, the curriculum changed in focus from the rudiments of administration in a court environment to a stress on the complex relationships between the courts' internal units and with their external environment, and the management skills needed to help the courts achieve their objectives. Several classes of graduates are analyzed in terms of their sources, demographic make-up, and subsequent career paths. (Author abstract)