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Hydra of Carnage - The International Linkages of Terrorism and Other Low-Intensity Operations - The Witnesses Speak

NCJ Number
U Ra'anan, R L Pfaltzgraff, R H Shultz, E Halperin, I Lukes
Date Published
628 pages
This book uses information from experts, witnesses, and documents to reveal the international linkages of terrorism and develop recommendations for countermeasures.
Evidence presented supports the view that the Soviet Union promotes terrorist activity by groups hostile to the policies of the United States and its allies, in concert with nations aligned with Soviet foreign policy interests. A review of historical and contemporary manifestations of terrorism as a political strategy precedes a portrayal of the operational principles, political orchestration, and infrastructure of international terrorism. Also examined are the alliances between terrorist groups and drug traffickers. Defensive and active measures to thwart terrorism are highlighted, along with international responses and the roles of Congress and the media. Specific recommendations are offered for U.S. policy against terrorism. Documents and testimony are presented that confirm the Soviet-sponsored terrorist network in various parts of the world. For papers on the terrorist drug trafficking linkage, see NCJ 100664-65. Glossary and subject index.