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Human Trafficking: The Government's Strategy

NCJ Number
Date Published
32 pages
This report presents the British Government's strategy and actions in countering human trafficking, i.e., organized criminal groups' transport and exploitation of men, women, and children across international borders.
The new strategy has four key goals: international action to prevent trafficking; a stronger national border that will stop the transport of victims into the United Kingdom (UK); tougher law enforcement that targets criminal gangs that are orchestrating human trafficking; and improved identification and care for trafficking victims. Regarding its international efforts to prevent trafficking, the UK has signed on to the European Union's Directive on Human Trafficking, which commits the UK to working with other countries in Europe to upgrade standards for countering human trafficking. This international effort will include intelligence sharing, which will facilitate responding quickly and appropriately to identified risk factors for human trafficking. Regarding the goal of tightening border security against human trafficking, the National Crime Agency (NCA) has been created. It administers a Border Policing Command whose mission is to strengthen national borders so that human trafficking is thwarted. Another aspect of the strategy is to take tough action against those involved in criminal networks responsible for human trafficking. The NCA will have a key role in this effort by using its enhanced intelligence capabilities and its coordination of operations against these organized crime groups. The level of support for victims of human trafficking will be expanded and improved under the new strategy. Government actions in this area have included the protection of funding for victim services at 2 million pounds per year for the next 2 years. The National Referral Mechanism has been created to provide a way for all agencies involved in countering human trafficking to cooperate in identifying trafficking victims and facilitating their access to advice, accommodation, and support. Appended list of actions against human trafficking

Corporate Author
Great Britain Home Office

50 Queen Anne's Gate, London, SW1H 9AT England, United Kingdom

Sale Source
Her Majesty's Stationery Office

PO Box 29, Norwich, NR3 1GN, United Kingdom

Publication Format
Book (Softbound)
Publication Type
Legislation/Policy Description
United Kingdom