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How Will the National Guard Interface with a Medium-Sized Law Enforcement Agency by the Year 2000?

NCJ Number
M A McCabe
Date Published
105 pages
The future role of the California National Guard (CNG) in providing equipment, resources, and manpower assistance to local law enforcement agencies is examined.
Using nominal group techniques, trends and events are identified that will affect the CNG and its assistance to civilian law enforcement in California. Future scenarios are developed as possible events that may occur depending on the particular policy action taken today. Based on this information, a strategic plan for implementing the CNG's potential assistance is developed using the Palm Springs Police Department as a model of a medium-sized civilian law enforcement agency. The execution, administration, and logistics of the strategic plan are presented together with mission statements for the future direction of policies. A transition management process is used to effect smooth implementation of the assistance effort of the CNG. Members of the critical-mass are identified and analyzed as to their terms of commitment, responsibility, and willingness for change. The transition plan also addresses the need for program objectives, mission statements, creation of task forces, and programs to evaluate the effectiveness of assistance. 10 charts, 5 figures, 8 notes, and 19 references