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How to Select and Train SWAT Snipers

NCJ Number
Police: The Law Enforcement Magazine Volume: 28 Issue: 8 Dated: August 2004 Pages: 24-26,28,30,31
Derrick D. Bartlett
Date Published
August 2004
6 pages
This article describes the characteristics of a good police sniper candidate.
One of the most difficult and unique law enforcement positions is that of police sniper. Yet many law enforcement agencies put little thought into building an effective sniper program. Part of an effective sniper program is recruiting qualified candidates. The main considerations when recruiting sniper candidates are outlined and include prior police experience, as well as SWAT training and experience. Physical fitness and psychological stability are critical considerations, as police snipers are required to endure both physically and emotionally stressful situations on a routine basis. The best candidates are also dedicated and driven, with an eye for detail and the ability to effectively communicate. Although shooting skill is important for police snipers, this is a learned mechanical skill that can be taught to candidates. One characteristic of a good police sniper is the ability and willingness to kill; although all police officers may be required to use deadly force, in the case of snipers, there is no question. The selection process for sniper candidates begins by screening applicants and conducting background checks. Once candidates have been selected, it is important to train them properly; attendance and graduation from a recognized police sniper school is encouraged. Through proper candidate selection and training, the foundation of an effective sniper program can be established.

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United States of America


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