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How Many Prisoners Should Be in a Hospital?

NCJ Number
Research Bulletin Issue: 31 Dated: (1991) Pages: 9-15
J Gunn; T Maden; M Swinton
Date Published
7 pages
A June 1988 survey of the sentenced male prison population in England and Wales poses two questions related to the health care of prisoners: the extent and nature of psychiatric disorder and treatment needs and the best approach for the delivery of care.
Psychiatric diagnoses were given to 652 men (37 percent). Of the 34 men diagnosed as psychotic, 22 (65 percent) were recognized as disordered by the prison authorities, including 18 of the 21 suffering from schizophrenia, and 27 (79 percent) reported treatment for psychiatric problems during their stay in prison. Of the 52 men (3 percent) who were judged to require transfer to a hospital, 30 were diagnosed as suffering from psychoses. The six men diagnosed as suffering from personality disorders and the nine men with sexual disorders were not hospitalized for treatment as recommended due to disagreements between doctors over their treatability and a lack of suitable facilities. The need for psychiatric treatment could be met within the prison system for many inmates. 2 tables and 20 references