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How to Conduct Victimization Surveys: A Workbook

NCJ Number
Lanny Piper; Robert Lucas; Jack Shirey; William Rohe
Date Published
237 pages
This workbook describes procedures to guide the evaluation of criminal victimization prevention programs in public housing developments.
The focus is on how to conduct a research effort to evaluate crime victimization prevention programs by collecting survey data from residents of public housing developments where the programs are planned. The design of the research requires data collection prior to program implementation and after the program has been in place for a reasonable amount of time. The workbook is organized by major activities in a survey research project: questionnaire design, sampling methodology, data collection preparation activities, data collection, and data processing and analysis. Each section of the workbook discusses a particular task and the many activities necessary to complete the task, and information provided in the workbook sections covers basic and tools to conduct specific aspects of research. Appendixes contain supplemental forms and information to supplement the research effort. 13 exhibits