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How Can Police Departments Better Apply Management-By-Objectives and Quality Circle Programs?

NCJ Number
H P Hatry; J M Greiner
Date Published
130 pages
This study of the use of management-by-objectives (MBO) and quality-circle programs in police departments discusses the major issues involved, the conditions apparently associated with the successful implementation of these motivational approaches, and their impacts thus far on police agencies.
MBO is the process whereby individual managers identify objectives for the coming performance period. Performance against these objectives is then periodically reviewed to determine the extent to which the managers have met their objectives. Quality circles constitute a participatory management approach in which small groups of employees, typically nonmanagement personnel from the same work unit, meet regularly to identify, analyze, and recommend solutions to problems relating to their work unit. This study, conducted in the latter part of the 1970's and early 1980's, consisted of a literature review; a mail survey of police departments in all cities with a minimum 50,000 population and counties with a minimum 100,000 population; and telephone interviews with persons responsible for the motivational program in 17 departments. The study also reviewed materials provided by just over 30 police departments and conducted onsite field work in five locations. The study concludes that MBO systems have considerable potential for motivating management employees to improve service outcomes and service delivery efficiency. Quality circles have considerable potential for producing small-scale service improvements and improving work-unit morale. Recommendations suggest ways to improve both management systems.