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Houston's Field Training Practicum

NCJ Number
Field Training Quarterly Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Dated: (Second Quarter 1988) Pages: 3-14
D Criswell; V King
Date Published
12 pages
The Houston Police Department's field training practicum is an educational process through which probationary police officers (PPO's) perform a practical exercise that applies their law enforcement knowledge to the needs and expectations of the community.
The practicum consists of four major sections designed to help guide the PPO through the process of solving neighborhood problems. The identification of neighborhood characteristics focuses on physical characteristics, social characteristics, ethnic characteristics, and economic characteristics. The second major component of the field training practicum involves the identification of neighborhood problems. Part of the problem identification process includes recognizing those problems that merit law enforcement attention and those that do not. The PPO must determine which problems to address. The information/resources component of the field training practicum involves obtaining a body of information on the problem selected and identifying the resources relevant to the problem. The final component is the development of a problemsolving plan. This involves setting goals and objectives and estimating costs. When the PPO completes the practicum, the finished package of documentation is submitted to the field training supervisor. The field training board of review then acts as a forum for open discussion with the PPO relative to the completed practicum. The board may recommend improvements in the practicum. These improvements must be made before the practicum is approved.