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From Hospital to Jail - New Challenges to the Law-Enforcement Process

NCJ Number
Criminal Law Bulletin Volume: 17 Issue: 4 Dated: (July-August 1981) Pages: 319-333
F Adler
Date Published
15 pages
Dr. Adler, author of the popular book, Sisters in Crime: The Rise of the New Female Criminality, traces the migration of the mentally ill from the mental health to the criminal justice system and illuminates some of the basic problems caused thereby.
It is clear that the criminal justice system does not exist in isolation as a coercive system of social control. It also seems clear that upheavals in one system cause reverberations in the other systems. Thus, when large numbers of persons are released from mental institutions and when it is more difficult to commit individuals on the basis of mental illness, the criminal justice system reacts in the form of increased detention of the mentally ill. (Publisher abstract)


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