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Hospital and Prison: The Challenges of Release Planning with Offenders with a Mental Illness

NCJ Number
Justice Report Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Dated: Spring 2006 Pages: 17-20
Veronica Felizardo
Date Published
4 pages
This article briefly discusses the challenges faced by social workers in Canada when developing release plans for offenders suffering from a mental disorder.
Social workers within corrections systems have both a challenging and rewarding job. They assist offenders diagnosed with a mental disorder to become self-sustaining and successful citizens. It is understood that when conducting their work and maximizing community safety, offenders with a mental disorder cannot be invisible or forgotten. The discharge planning process is a complex psychosocial process that addresses the multi-faceted discharge-related needs of individuals, their families, and various systems. The priority of discharge planning services is to ensure the continuity of mental health care for released offenders. When preparing a release plan, attending to an offender’s basic needs is paramount. For most, the first basic need is housing. Advocacy is a critical component to the success of the offender with a mental disorder. A key function of a social worker’s role and responsibility is to promote the development, if lacking, of new services and programs and address barriers and gaps in community services. A mentally disordered offender’s successful community integration and enhancement of quality of life is essential to a healthy community. This article discusses the challenges of discharge/release planning with mentally ill offenders from correctional facilities faced by social workers in Canada. References