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Hospital and College Security Liability

NCJ Number
L Territo; M L Bromley
Date Published
276 pages
This book provides the basic technical and legal information required to assess and develop college and hospital security functions so as to minimize the risk of civil liability.
Police administrators, security directors, and attorneys are informed about how and why certain actions or omissions may result in litigation against colleges and hospitals. This is done through an indepth study of prior cases wherein institutions were found liable for the rape of students on campus or the rape of patients within hospitals. Similar discussions and case reviews cover areas such as alcohol-related problems and the institution's roles as proprietor, seller, and social host; concert and special events problems; parking lot security; and the handling of mentally disturbed/violent persons. Practical guidelines cover such areas as crime on and off institutional grounds, liaison with local law enforcement agencies, the conduct of physical security surveys, the development of standards for selecting and training employees, and the development and promulgation of disaster plans. Areas of potential liability addressed include selection, training, use of force, issuance of firearms, ability to recognize and deal with mentally disturbed persons, personnel deployment, contracting for security services, and searches at concerts. The book also discusses the implication and impact of immunity doctrines, victim compensation, establishment of foreseeability, and minimal acceptable levels of response by the police or security department. Chapter footnotes.


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