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Hope and Power for Your Personal Finances: A Rebuilding Guide Following Domestic Violence

NCJ Number
Date Published
73 pages
This guide was created to help victims of domestic violence regain control of their financial lives and rebuild their lives with their children following domestic violence.
Domestic violence can have economic effects with economic dependence allowing for domestic violence to continue. Developed as a public service of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) and the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE), this rebuilding guide was created to empower women who are victims of domestic violence. It helps them regain control of their financial lives and begin to build a better future for themselves and their children. The guide is divided into two parts. Part one is written primarily for women who are in an abusive situation and are thinking about their options. It provides information for keeping financial records safe, how to inventory assets and debts, and ways to start setting aside some money or building a financial base. Part two addresses leaving a relationship and addresses the questions on how to manage on one’s own. Suggestions are offered for finding a place to live, working, budgeting money, taking charge of the divorce, and thinking ahead to the future. This guide aids women in abusive relationships plan for a future free of abuse. Appendices