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Homicide Research Working Group: Past and Present - Notes on the First Session of the Santa Monica Meeting of the Homicide Research Working Group (From Nature of Homicide: Trends and Changes - Proceedings of the 1996 Meeting of the Homicide Research Working Group, Santa Monica, California, P 4-10, 1

NCJ Number
R Chilton
Date Published
7 pages
The first session of the Homicide Research Working Group (HRWG), held in June 1996 in Santa Monica, California, was devoted to past and present goals and activities of the HRWG.

Goals of the HRWG were identified as follows: to forge links between research, epidemiology, and practical programs to reduce violence-related mortality; to improve data quality and the linking of diverse homicide data sources; to foster interdisciplinary research on lethal and nonlethal violence; to encourage more efficient sharing of techniques for measuring and analyzing homicide; to create and maintain a communication network among those collecting, maintaining, and analyzing homicide data sets; and to generate a stronger working relationship among homicide researchers. HRWG meeting sessions focused on important homicide data sets, characteristics of victims and offenders, geographic distribution and area characteristics of homicide, and specific factors in homicide. Meeting participants considered the relationship of theory and policy to homicide and future efforts to study homicide and violence. A brief history of the HRWG is included.