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Homeless Adolescents - A Descriptive Study of Similarities and Differences Between Runaways and Throwaways

NCJ Number
Adolescence Volume: 20 Issue: 70 Dated: (Fall 1985) Pages: 715-724
G R Adams; T Gullotta; M A Clancy
Date Published
10 pages
A sample of 43 homeless adolescents was categorized as being either runaways, throwaways, or societal rejects.
Comparisons of these categories of homeless youths were completed to assess the descriptive utility of internal social control, strain, and psychopathological theory in making distinctions between various homeless adolescents. Descriptive data support the view that control and psychopathology perspectives provide some promise for understanding differing types of runaway adolescents. Sex differences between runaway and throwaway youth were explored. However, few sex/type of homeless adolescent interactions were observed. Implications for secondary prevention, based upon these data, are offered. (Publisher abstract)