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Home Inprovements Without Headaches

NCJ Number
C McCormack; L Kramer; J C Esposito
Date Published
12 pages
Based on a 1980 survey of New York State homeowners, this consumer guide offers suggestions for contracting home improvement work and includes a model contract.
Consumers reported fewer problems with contractors who had been recommended by friends, rather than those selected from advertisements or door to door sales pitches. Ways to assess the reliability of contractors are reviewed, such as checking for complaints lodged with the Better Business Bureau. Consumers are also advised to research thoroughly the type of home improvement they are considering before they ask for estimates on the job. More than one estimate should be sought, and then the homeowner should inspect other work completed by contractors before signing any contracts. An agreement with a contractor should be in writing and detail the exact work to be done, the costs, and payment schedule. The contractor's workmen's compensation and liability insurance should be checked, as well as the homeowner's insurance policies. Other suggestions include scheduling payments to correspond with the work's progress, monitoring completed work on a daily basis, and never paying the balance of the money until the work is finished to the consumer's satisfaction. Finally, all guarantees and warranties should be in writing. The booklet provides two copies of a detailed model contract between a homeowner and a contractor.


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