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Home Detention Electronic Monitoring Program

NCJ Number
H D Latimer; J C Curran; B D Tepper
Date Published
68 pages
This report details the administration and operations of the home detention electronic monitoring program of the Nevada County Probation Department (California).
The program aims to provide an additional alternative to jail incarceration so as to assist in reducing the population of the overcrowded jail as well as corrections costs without compromising public safety. Participants must wear an electronic ankle device and have a field monitoring device placed in their home. The device permits monitoring of the offender's presence in the home during the specified times. Participants are allowed to seek and maintain employment as well as participate in rehabilitative programs. To be eligible for the program, an offender must be assessed as a low-risk offender, have good conduct in the jail, not have holds or warrants from other jurisdictions, volunteer to be in the program, and have the support and cooperation of family members. Participants must be physically and mentally capable of caring for themselves or be in circumstances whereby another person can provide the needed care. Participants must also have a verifiable local residence as well as a telephone and electricity and be on probation. They can have no less than 10 days and no more than 90 days to serve in jail. Participants must pay an administrative fee of $10 per day in advance each week. Various forms used in association with the program are included.