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Holding Youth Accountable - A Manual for Organizing a Community Based Restitution Program for Delinquent Youth

NCJ Number
D E Reed; A O Stevens
Date Published
51 pages
This manual discusses community-based restitution and details how local organizations can establish and operate such programs for juvenile offenders. Specific topics covered include intake procedures, eligibility criteria, work site placement, victim involvement, funding, and staff.
Local community control is a central tenet of the model program, reflecting the idea that the solution to the general perception that social disorder threatens public security lies in individuals cooperating with other persons to control their social environment. Restitution is particularly appropriate for youths, as it allows delinquents to participate in the community and learn accountability for their actions. The guide first examines critical decision points in operating a restitution program: intake, restitution plan development, work site placement, monitoring progress, poor performance and/or failure, and successful termination. This section recommends that a community program do intake at its office rather than the court, involve offenders in developing the restitution plan, focus on individual or very small placements, and provide each youth with specific performance standards. Policy issues that communities must address before organizing a restitution program are discussed, such as eligibility, the form of restitution -- monetary payment, direct service -- whether victims should be involved, who should sponsor the program, and what geographical area to serve. Other suggestions focus on developing operating and outcome goals, defining the program's relationship with the court, fundraising, staff requirements, and community safety. The booklet identifies additional resources, including publications, agencies, and organizations.