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HIV/AIDS, Prisons and the Law

NCJ Number
Trends and Issues Issue: 32 Dated: (August 1991) Pages: complete issue
J Norberry
Date Published
6 pages
In its discussion of the issue of HIV/AIDS in prison, this paper examines prisoners' rights; considers prison conditions, which include medical treatment, testing, and accommodation; analyzes HIV transmission, legal duties and liabilities in the prison context; and discusses occupational health and safety issues.
Law reform and policy changes are needed to facilitate the effort to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS in Australia's goals and to ensure that the interests and rights of both prisoners and prison employees are recognized and protected. Identifying the enormous amount of prisoner litigation in the United States, the discussion includes a review of cases in both England and Australia that address common law duties to prisoners and others with whom they may come into contact. Duties to provide for the welfare of prisoners can be found at common law and under statute. 20 references


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