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HIV/AIDS Intimate Partner Violence: Intersecting Women's Health Issues in the United States

NCJ Number
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Dated: April 2007 Pages: 178-198
Andrea Carlson Gielen; Jessica G. Burke; Patricia Mahoney; Karen A. McDonnell; Patricia O'Campo
Date Published
April 2007
21 pages
This study reviewed 35 U.S. studies of the co-occurrence of HIV/AIDS and adult intimate partner violence (IPV).
The literature review found that HIV-positive women apparently experienced IPV at rates comparable to HIV-negative women from the same populations; however, their abuse was apparently more frequent and more severe. The review found only four relevant interventions, and none of them addressed sexually transmitted HIV and partner violence risk reduction simultaneously. Most of the studies reviewed describe rates of IPV among women at risk for or living with HIV/AIDS and identify correlates, using multiple types of convenience samples, for example, women in methadone treatment and women in shelters or clinics. There is a critical need for research on causal pathways and cumulative effects of the co-occurring issues of violence, HIV, and substance abuse, as well as interventions that target IPV victims at risk for HIV and HIV-positive women who may be experiencing IPV. The authors acknowledge that they may not have captured all relevant articles; however, the search strategy included two of the most frequently used databases and multiple approaches for identifying studies. The search was limited to violence in adult intimate relationships, so there would be some comparability across studies. 2 tables and 53 references and 2 suggested readings


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