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HIV Education for Inmates: Uncovering Strategies for Program Selection

NCJ Number
Prison Journal Volume: 73 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1994) Pages: 220-243
N L Hogan
Date Published
24 pages
This discussion of methods for educating inmates about AIDS transmission and prevention concludes that four steps are required to develop an effective educational strategy.
These are (1) looking at educational paradigms; (2) providing a thorough understanding of different forms of risky behavior; (3) uncovering everyday interpretation within racial, cultural, and gender frameworks; and (4) choosing the most effective communication modes for the inmate population. Most current efforts are ineffective, because those receiving basic information misinterpret how to apply it to their own lives. In general, educational attempts from all fields have been disappointing in motivating behavior change. Therefore, correctional administrators must be aware of appropriate educational formats, assess the cultural differences among the inmates of their institutions, and understand everyday interpretations of information. They must also understand how to relate AIDS prevention to issues such as prostitution; intravenous drug use; and racial, ethnic, and gender differences. 55 references (Author abstract modified)