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Historical Trends Institutional and Parole Population, 1978-1998

NCJ Number
Corinne Slapnik; Vincent Barajas
Date Published
June 1999
10 pages
This report presents some basic information about the California Department of Corrections’ (CDC) prisoners and parolees during the period 1978-1998.
The report presents historical trend information covering the 20-year period in graphs and tables for various offender characteristics and the institutional bed capacity. It includes data on: Institution Population; Racial/Ethnic Composition; Institution Population by Offense Category; New Admissions by Offense Category; Parole Violators Returned to Prison; Admission/Return Status; Felon Parole and Civil Narcotic Outpatient Population; Releases to Parole; Average Time Served on Prison Sentence; and Design Bed Capacity and Population. The institution population grew from approximately 20,000 in 1978 to almost 160,000 in 1998. The rate of felon new admissions increased from 40.8 to 146.6 per 100,000 California population. Between 1978 and 1998 for male felons the time served on prison sentence decreased from 26 months to 16 months through 1994 and then grew to 19 months in 1998. Design bed capacity increased threefold; the institution population increased by a factor of eight; and the percent occupied more than doubled. Figures, tables