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Hiring and Promoting Police Officers in Small Departments -- The Role of Psychological Testing

NCJ Number
Criminal Law Bulletin Volume: 27 Issue: 3 Dated: (May/June 1991) Pages: 261-269
G P Alpert
Date Published
9 pages
Psychological testing is important in police personnel selection, but must be only the first step of a multi-hurdle approach in the screening of entry-level candidates.
As police selection and promotion practices have moved beyond a scheme of political rewards, applicants are usually exposed to testing or assessment. But the nature of the candidate's evaluation and the specific evaluation of his abilities and psychological traits have too often been conducted poorly. There are two goals of the screening procedure: (1) eliminating those applicants unfit for police work; and (2) identifying characteristics that can predict good police officers. The use of a psychological measure is also intended to protect against discrimination. The test instrument must measure job-related criteria and must be free of any gender or racial bias. The future of police selection depends on several factors, including politics, public need, legislation, and court-ordered reform. Five factors will affect this future: more black police officers, pay raises for these officers, active recruitment of minorities, more liberal hiring policies, and use of private police. 59 notes