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Highlights From the 1989 National Drug and Alcoholism Treatment Unit Survey (NDATUS)

NCJ Number
Date Published
13 pages
This report presents highlights of the 1989 national survey designed to serve as a census of all known drug abuse and alcoholism treatment facilities in the United States and to describe their scope, use, and other characteristics.
The survey included facilities in both the public and private sectors, regardless of the source of funding support. Results revealed that a total of 9,608 facilities reported, including 7,759 providing treatment services, 5,796 providing prevention and education regarding drug and alcohol abuse, and 3,633 providing central intake and other types of services. A total of 6,493 facilities provided alcoholism treatment, and 6,287 provided drug treatment. The facilities had 734,955 clients in treatment on September 30, 1989. Overall, 79.6 percent of all reported treatment capacity was being used. Most clients received outpatient or nonresidential care. Females accounted for 29.6 percent of the clients. Five-eighths of the clients were white, 20.6 percent were black, and 13.8 percent were Hispanic. Tables and additional findings