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The hidden costs of the opioid crisis and the implications for financial management in the public sector

NCJ Number
Forensic Science International: Synergy Volume: 1 Dated: 2019 Pages: 227-238
J. D. Ropero-Miller; P. J. Speaker
Date Published
12 pages

This article discusses the hidden costs of the opioid crisis and the implications for financial management in the public sector.


The November 2017 release of the Council of Economic Advisers' White House report on the opioid crisis suggests that prior consideration of expenses severely underestimated the economic costs of the opioid crisis. When corrected for these losses, the annual cost from the opioid crisis leapt nearly 600%. The cost to the criminal justice system was estimated at $8 Billion of which $270 million is borne by crime laboratories. However, laboratory budgets have not grown at a rate capable of meeting this increased demand for forensic science services. The hidden costs of the opioid crisis borne by the forensic crime laboratories comes as funds are diverted in the laboratory to meet the increased demands for services in drug chemistry and toxicology. Dramatic increases in turnaround times across other areas of investigation continue to grow as the crisis accelerates. 8 figures (publisher abstract modified)