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Heuristic Self-Discovery - Group Encounter in the Prison College Classroom

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 33 Issue: 4 Dated: (December 1982) Pages: 21-24
K D Brasel
Date Published
4 pages
Prison inmates' educational programs are in need of classes emphasizing interpersonal communications skills and values clarification.
Many inmates are actively seeking answers from their academic classes to the problems of living in society. This article describes the design and implementation of a successful affect-oriented course structured to fulfill the students' needs for introspection, self-understanding, and the social skills of communicating and caring for others. Group classroom discussion and personal journals were the class requirements. The syllabus was organized around exercises that moved the students through circles of experience, starting with themselves and gradually including consideration of other actors in the social environment. No references are supplied.


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